Monday, April 11, 2016

Finally a Sunny Day Off!!

As anyone in South Central Indiana knows, the bird conditions have been less than stellar the last week or so. The (hopefully last) polar vortex has brought cold, wind, rain, and clouds. That's all supposed to change starting today (Sunday) though! According to the birdcast (a handy website that forecasts bird migration based on weather patterns, for anyone who isn't familiar with this valuable resource) the improved weather should start a movement of more spring migrants, especially exciting is warblers!! They are definitely one of my favorites!!

Yesterday wasn't a bad day though, I saw a good mix of spring and winter birds, and a few waterfowl and shorebirds. I started by checking the retention ponds behind the Columbus Sam's, Menards, and Wal-Mart.  There were the usual suspects of American Coots, Canada Geese, Tree (and I suspect a few Barn) Swallows, Pied-billed Grebes, and my most exciting find: a lingering Ruddy Duck.

Ruddy Duck behind Menard's
Next I decided to go check out Hardy Lake. I decided to bring my dogs, which unsurprisingly was not the best choice for taking pictures BUT I still got some decent ones.
My cuties: adding another challenge to my birding!
First I checked out the waterfowl, and was surprised to find the only thing I could see on the lake was a Common Loon. Of course it was far from shore so my pictures are only good for ID only. Of course there were a TON of Tree Swallows, probably Barn Swallows too although I never confirmed one, and I saw at least one confirmed Purple Martin in the mix! My first time seeing one away from one of their "condos". 

Common Loon- this was with full zoom and cropped, needless to say FAR from shore!
Next I decided to do a little trail walking with the dogs. The first trail was a huge success. I just meandered through the woods, but, besides the usual suspects of Chickadees, Titmice, etc. I saw both kinds of Kinglets! I had only seen Golden-crowned so far for Indiana. In the same tree I kept hearing an  increasingly familiar Pine Warbler, too!

Pine Warbler doing a little posing for me!

This Pine Warbler was singing his heart out!
A little farther down the trail I encountered boco Yellow-rumped Warblers. Not as exciting since I've seen them most of winter, but hey, still a warbler ha!
A beautiful regular: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Next I went down the trail by the cemetery. It was very uneventful, besides the usual woodland suspects (the highlight was 3 Pileated Woodpeckers) and some Field and Song  Sparrows. 

After that walk and one final (empty-handed) check of the lake I decided to head to Muscatatuck, as it was getting later, I had caught wind of some shore birds being there from one of my best bird friends, and the refuge was basically on my way home. Boy was I glad I did! I started with the auto loop, as usual, and at the first marsh found a ton of Blue-winged Teals, some American Coots, and more Pied-billed Grebes.  The Coots were funny as they just kept popping out of the reeds one by one. I'd think "oh that must be it" and here would come another, until there were about 15!
A Lone American Coot

Coot on a Stump!

The group of American Coots in the end!

Next I headed toward the marshy area just beyond, where I'd heard the shore birds were. I was not disappointed, there were more BW Teal, a few Green-winged Teal, a couple of Gadwall, Northern Shovelers, and my lifers Greater AND Lesser Yellowlegs! The pictures aren't great, but good enough for ID!!  Success!!
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, together!  

I didn't need yet another Blue-winged Teal picture, but it was so cooperative and the lighting just right, I had to!
From there I decided to check out Stanfield Lake because why not?  Boy was I glad I did! There I found a small raft of Greater Scaups, with one Ruddy Duck mixed in. They would barely stay up long enough for a picture, but were close to the shore which was nice. Just as I got back in my car to leave (had started it and everything) I looked up to see an Osprey come soaring over!! It was so fun to watch all the waterfowl and birds get spooked off the lake. Everyone got noisy and started flying, and I discovered 20 or so Blue-winged Teal I had missed. A lot of Canada Geese too, of course.
This Greater Scaup has two females I believe... what a "lucky duck" haha!

A couple of male Greater Scaups

Proof of some of the 7 or so Pied-billed Grebes I saw over the course of the day- these were the last ones.

Osprey stalking Stanfield Lake.  Not great quality photo, but enough for ID.
I decided to call it quits after that, but saw a couple of nice little "gems" on my way out: these Wood Ducks, and White-crowned Sparrows.  I know, they're "just" sparrows, but I haven't seen as many White-crowned ones this winter, so I still enjoyed them.

Male Woodies against the evening sunset.

White-crowned Sparrows chilling in a tree.
Obligatory Red-winged Blackbird Photo, bc they were everywhere and fun.

Well, I hope you enjoyed!  I went birding Sunday, too, but I will save that for another post since this one has gotten so lengthy.  Yay, birds! :)

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